@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000087, author = {Kabeya, Naoki and 壁谷, 直記 and Shimizu, Akira and 清水, 晃 and Sakai, Yoshimi and 酒井, 佳美 and Toriyama, Jumpei and 鳥山, 淳平 and Tsurita, Tatsuya and 釣田, 竜也 and Kobayashi, Masahiro and 小林, 政広 and Shimizu, Takanori and 清水, 貴範 and Ichiyanagi, Kimpei and 一柳, 錦平}, issue = {75}, journal = {Kyusyu Journal of Forest Research, 九州森林研究}, month = {Mar}, pages = {85--87}, title = {A development of short-interval rainfall sampler using automatic water sampler}, year = {2022} }