@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000195, author = {SUZUKI Yaeko and NAKASHITA Rumiko and HUQUE Roksana and KHATUN Mst. Afifa and OTHMAN Zainon Bt. and SALIM Nazaratul Ashifa Bt. Abdullah and THANTAR Saw and PABROA Preciosa Corazon and KONG Pui Yieng Kadeleine and WADUGE Vajira Ariyaratna and SRINUTTRAKUL Wannee and HOSONUMA Arisa and CHIKU Kazuhiro and YOSHIDA Mitsuru}, issue = {1}, journal = {Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ}, month = {Jan}, pages = {95--103}, title = {Effects of Processing on Stable Isotope Compositions (δ13C,δ15 N, and δ18O) of Rice (Oryza sativa) and Stable Isotope Analysis of Asian Rice Samples for Tracing Their Geographical Origins}, volume = {56}, year = {2022} }