@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000203, author = {Tanaka, Kenzo and 田中, 憲蔵 and Iida, Shin'ichi and 飯田, 真一 and Shimizu, Takanori and 清水, 貴範 and Kanna, Kensaku and 漢那, 賢作 and Kabeya, Naoki and 壁谷, 直記 and Shimizu, Akira and 清水, 晃}, journal = {Kanto Journal of Forest Research, 関東森林研究}, month = {Mar}, pages = {77--80}, title = {Leaf internal morphology of trees in coastal and mangrove forests in Ryukyu Islands}, volume = {73}, year = {2022} }