@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000297, author = {Tsuchimoto, Takahiro and 槌本, 敬大 and Kato, Hideo and 加藤, 英雄 and Aratake, Shiro and 荒武, 志朗 and Matsumoto, Akihiro and 松元, 明弘 and Takanashi, Ryuya and 高梨, 隆也 and Ohashi, Yoshinori and 大橋, 義徳 and Ishihara, Wataru and 石原, 亘}, issue = {11}, journal = {Wood Industry, 木材工業}, month = {Nov}, pages = {493--498}, title = {Properties under Long-term Load of Structural Lumber Sawn from Large-diameter Logs}, volume = {76}, year = {2021} }