@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000327, author = {Ito, Hiroki and 伊東, 宏樹 and Nakanishi, Atsushi and 中西, 敦史 and Tsuyama, Ikutaro and 津山, 幾太郎 and Seki,Takeshi and 関, 剛 and Kikuchi,Satoshi and 菊地, 賢 and Ishibashi,Satoshi and 石橋, 聡}, journal = {Boreal Forest Research, 北方森林研究}, month = {Feb}, pages = {31--34}, title = {Birch natural regeneration five years after clear-cutting and soil scarification at an artificial fir stand in Eniwa, Hokkaido}, volume = {70}, year = {2022} }