@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000610, author = {De Marco Alessandra and Sicard Pierre and Feng Zhaozhong and Agathokleous Evgenios and Alonso Rocio and Araminiene Valda and Augustatis Algirdas and Badea Ovidiu and Beasley James C. and Branquinho Cristina and Bruckman Viktor J. and Collalti Alessio and David- Schwartz Rakefet and Domingos Marisa and Du Enzai and Garcia Gomez Hector and Hashimoto Shoji and Hoshika Yasutomo and Jakovljevic Tamara and McNulty Steven and Oksanen Elina and Omidi Khaniabadi Yusef and Prescher Anne-Katrin and Saitanis Costas J. and Sase Hiroyuki and Schmitz Andreas and Voigt Gabriele and Watanabe Makoto and Wood Michael D. and Kozlov Mikhail V. and Paoletti Elena}, issue = {17}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, month = {Jun}, pages = {5062--5085}, title = {Strategic roadmap to assess forest vulnerability under air pollution and climate change}, volume = {28}, year = {2022} }