@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02000956, author = {Matsumoto, Hiroshi and 松元, 浩 and Ishida, Yoji and 石田, 洋二 and Kokura, Mitsutaka and 小倉, 光貴 and Kato, Hideo and 加藤, 英雄 and Nagao, Hirofumi and 長尾, 博文 and Kobayashi, Isao and 小林, 功}, issue = {11}, journal = {Wood Industry, 木材工業}, month = {Nov}, pages = {478--483}, title = {Optimization of High-Temperature Setting Treatment and Evaluation of Bending Strength Properties for Sugi Flat Square Lumber with Pith}, volume = {76}, year = {2021} }