@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001531, author = {HIRAMATSU, Yasushi and 平松, 靖 and TSUCHIYA, Atsushi and 土屋, 敦 and FUJIMOTO, Kiyohiko and 藤本, 清彦 and UKYO, Seiichiro and 宇京, 斉一郎 and MIYATAKE, Atsushi and 宮武, 敦 and SHINDO, Kenta and 新藤, 健太 and HAYASHI, Tomoyuki and 林, 知行}, issue = {1}, month = {Mar}, pages = {1--25}, title = {Bending strength properties of finger-jointed sugi, hinoki and ezomatsu lumber with different finger lengths}, volume = {21}, year = {2022} }