@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001712, author = {TAKAYAMA, Norimasa and 高山, 範理 and FUJIWARA, Akio and 藤原, 章雄 and YOKOYAMA, Katsuki and 横山, 勝樹 and SAITO, Haruo and 齋藤, 暖生 and SHIMODA, Tomoko and 下田, 倫子 and GOTO, Susumu and 後藤, 晋}, issue = {2}, month = {Aug}, pages = {137--151}, title = {Trends and processes of consciousness change brought about by collaborative exercise with increased diversity - A Survey in a Joint Exercise between the University of Tokyo and Joshibi University of Art and Design in University Forest of the University of Tokyo, Village of Yamanakako -}, volume = {19}, year = {2020} }