@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001816, author = {KANEKO, Shinji and 金子, 真司 and FURUSAWA, Hitomi and 古澤, 仁美 and OKAMOTO, Toru and 岡本, 透 and TAMAI, Koji and 玉井, 幸治 and HIRANO, Yasuhiro and 平野, 恭弘}, issue = {2}, month = {Jun}, pages = {51--72}, title = {Monitoring water chemistry from FY 2000 to 2004 in the Yamashiro Experimental Forest (YMS) watershed, southern Kyoto Prefecture, Japan ―The characteristics of the water chemistry of the YMS revealed by comparison with the Forest Atmospheric Deposition and Stream Chemistry Database in FFPRI―}, volume = {22}, year = {2023} }