@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001823, author = {SHINOMIYA, Yoshiki and 篠宮, 佳樹 and YAMADA, Tsuyoshi and 山田, 毅 and HIRAI, Keizo and 平井, 敬三 and ONO, Kenji and 小野, 賢二 and NOGUCHI, Shoji and 野口, 正二 and KUBOTA, Tayoko and 久保田, 多余子 and ABE, Toshio and 阿部, 俊夫}, issue = {3}, month = {Sep}, pages = {273--303}, title = {Monitoring the chemistry of rainwater and streamwater from a small forested watershed: Results in the Kamabuchi experimental watershed, Yamagata prefecture, Tohoku district, Japan between 2000 and 2014}, volume = {17}, year = {2018} }