@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001825, author = {KANEKO, Shinji and 金子, 真司 and GOTOH, Yoshiaki and 後藤, 義明 and TABUCHI, Ryuichi and 田淵, 隆一 and AKAMA, Akio and 赤間, 亮夫 and IKEDA, Shigeto and 池田, 重人 and SHINOMIYA, Yoshiki and 篠宮, 佳樹 and IMAMURA, Naohiro and 今村, 直広}, issue = {3}, month = {Sep}, pages = {259--264}, title = {The effect of forest fire on the radiocesium inventory of tree bark and surface soil in ‘difficult-to-return zone’}, volume = {17}, year = {2018} }