@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001828, author = {KIYONO, Yoshiyuki and 清野, 嘉之 and KOMATSU, Masabumi and 小松, 雅史 and AKAMA, Akio and 赤間, 亮夫 and MATSUURA, Toshiya and 松浦, 俊也 and HIROI, Masaru and 広井, 勝 and IWAYA, Munehiko and 岩谷, 宗彦 and FUTAMOTO, Takashi and 二元, 隆}, issue = {3}, month = {Sep}, pages = {217--232}, title = {The transfer of radiocesium released in the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident to leaves of wild Osmunda japonica, an edible fern}, volume = {17}, year = {2018} }