@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02001872, author = {YAMAURA, Yuichi and 山浦, 悠一 and AKASHI, Nobuhiro and 明石, 信廣 and UNNO, Akira and 雲野, 明 and TSUSHIMA, Toshiyuki and 対馬, 俊之 and NAGASAKA, Akiko and 長坂, 晶子 and NAGASAKA, Yu and 長坂, 有 and OZAKI, Kenichi and 尾崎, 研一}, issue = {1}, month = {Mar}, pages = {91--109}, title = {Retention Experiment for Plantation Forestry in Sorachi, Hokkaido (REFRESH): A large-scale experiment for retaining broad-leaved trees in conifer plantations}, volume = {17}, year = {2018} }