@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02002005, author = {NAKASHITA, Rumiko and 中下, 留美⼦ and SUZUKI, Yaeko and 鈴⽊, 彌⽣⼦ and KISHIMOTO, Ryosuke and 岸元, 良輔 and KUROE, Misako and ⿊江, 美紗⼦}, journal = {Bulletin of Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute, 長野県環境保全研究所研究報告}, month = {}, pages = {9--14}, title = {Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic composition of spring-hunt Asiatic black bears in the northern Hida Mountain (Otari-mura, Nagano prefecture)}, volume = {18}, year = {2022} }