@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02002109, author = {Kabeya, N and 壁谷, 直記 and Shimizu, A and 清水, 晃 and Sakai, Y and 酒井, 佳美 and Toriyama, J and 鳥山, 淳平 and Tsurita, T and 釣田, 竜也 and Kobayashi, M and 小林, 政広 and Shimizu, T and 清水, 貴範 and Iida, S and 飯田, 真一 and Ichiyanagi, K and 一柳, 錦平}, issue = {76}, journal = {Kyusyu Journal of Forest Research, 九州森林学会誌}, month = {Mar}, pages = {55--59}, title = {A study of mean transit time estimation of baseflow from a schist forested watershed in the northern part of Kyushu Island}, year = {2023} }