@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02002137, author = {Ohnuki, Yasuhiro and 大貫, 靖浩 and Noguchi, Mahoko and 野口, 麻穂子 and Ohta, Kazuhide and 太田, 和秀 and Hoshizaki, Kazuhiko and 星崎, 和彦 and Nobuhiro, Tatsuhiko and 延廣, 竜彦 and Yamashita, Naoyuki and 山下, 尚之}, issue = {1}, journal = {Tohoku Journal of Forest Science, 東北森林科学会誌}, month = {Feb}, pages = {10--15}, title = {Quantitative evaluation of the water storage functions of beech forest soils on a river terrace: An experimental study of the Kanumazawa Riparian Research Forest, Iwate Prefecture, Japan}, volume = {28}, year = {2023} }