@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02002379, author = {Suzuki, Yasushi and 鈴木, 保志 and Yoshimura, Tetsuhiko and 吉村, 哲彦 and Hasegawa, Hisashi and 長谷川, 尚史 and Aruga, Kazuhiro and 有賀, 一広 and Saito, Masashi and 斎藤, 仁志 and Shirasawa, Hiroaki and 白澤, 紘明 and Yamasaki, Shin and 山﨑, 真}, issue = {1}, journal = {Journal of The Japan Forest Engineering Society, 森林利用学会誌}, month = {Jan}, pages = {5--16}, title = {Perspective of road network improvement including public roads over forested area in Japan}, volume = {37}, year = {2022} }