@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02002776, author = {MIYAZAKI, Hiroshi and 宮崎, 寛 and KANETANI, Seiichi and 金谷, 整一 and KAWARABATA, Atsushi and 河原畑, 濃 and MATSUNAGA, Jun and 松永, 順 and MATSUNAGA, Michio and 松永, 道雄}, issue = {3}, month = {Sep}, pages = {81--90}, title = {Provenance and flowering characteristics of surviving “Tatsuda-yama Yae-kuchinashi”, Gardenia jasminoides form. ovalifolia, trees found around Mt. Tatsuda-yama, Kumamoto city, southwestern Japan}, volume = {15}, year = {2016} }