@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02002779, author = {OGISO, Junko and 小木曽, 純子 and IDO, Hirofumi and 井道, 裕史 and NAGAO, Hirofumi and 長尾, 博文 and HARADA, Masaki and 原田, 真樹 and KATO, Hideo and 加藤, 英雄 and MIYATAKE, Atsushi and 宮武, 敦 and HIRAMATSU, Yasushi and 平松, 靖}, issue = {3}, month = {Sep}, pages = {59--64}, title = {Difference of bending performance by loading directions using sugi finger-jointed laminae for Cross Laminated Timber}, volume = {15}, year = {2016} }