@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02003557, author = {ITO, Eriko and FURUYA, Naoyuki and OHNUKI, Yasuhiro and SHIBATA, Mitsue and KANZAKI, Mamoru and MONDA, Yukako and SAKAI, Yoshimi and TORIYAMA, Jumpei and YAGI, Takanobu and TITH, Bora and KETH, Samkol and TO, Borin and KETH, Nang and LY, Chandararity and OP, Phallaphearaoth and CHANN, Sophal and KIYONO, Yoshiyuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {Cambodian Journal of Natural History}, month = {Jun}, pages = {62--71}, title = {Spatially heterogeneous natural regeneration of tall evergreen dipterocarps, a target of selective logging}, volume = {2023}, year = {2023} }