@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02003785, author = {YAMAGUCHI Satoshi and 山口, 智 and IDO Hirofumi and 井道, 裕史 and KATO Hideo and 加藤, 英雄 and NAGAO Hirofumi and 長尾, 博文 and SHIBUSAWA Tatsuya and 渋沢, 龍也 and SUZUKI Hidenori and 鈴木, 秀典 and TANAKA Yoshiaki and 田中, 良明 and JINKAWA Masaki and 陣川, 雅樹}, issue = {7}, journal = {Wood Industry, 木材工業}, month = {Jul}, pages = {256--261}, title = {Relationship between Exposure Period and Bending Properties of Moso Bamboo Intended for Use as a Bundled Drainage Material}, volume = {78}, year = {2023} }