@article{oai:repository.ffpri.go.jp:02004100, author = {Takayama Norimasa and 高山, 範理 and Kimata Tomohiro and 木俣, 知大 and Ochiai Hiroko and 落合, 博子 and Kimura Risa and 木村, 理砂 and Sakai Kenichi and 酒井, 健一 and Amano Ryo and 天野, 亮}, issue = {2}, journal = {Journal of the Japanese Forest Society, 日本森林学会誌}, month = {Feb}, pages = {13--24}, title = {Effects and Its Sustainability of Health Tour Utilizing Local Forest Spaces on Physical, Mental Health and Well-being:}, volume = {106}, year = {2024} }